Selasa, 25 Agustus 2020
Minggu, 23 Agustus 2020
Jumat, 21 Agustus 2020
Lukisan / gambaran kehidupan manusia sejak dari bayi sampai usia Tua
Silahkan menyimpulkan / memaknai lukisan tersebut dibawah ini ⬇
Pergunakanlah waktu itu dengan sebaik-baiknya selagi engkau masih muda
Rabu, 19 Agustus 2020
Minggu, 16 Agustus 2020
Seburuk apapun mertuaku, Ia telah mengandung Suamiku
Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2020
Jumat, 07 Agustus 2020
Hidup adalah sebab-akibat
Sebab- akibat
Jika anda suka mengeluh, semakin banyak kegagalan.
Jika anda selalu menghindari, semakin banyak kebuntuan.
Jika anda suka menyerah, semakin banyak alasan.
Jika anda suka bertarung, semakin banyak jalan keluar.
Jika anda mencintai, hidup itu indah dimana-mana.
Jika anda membenci, hidup itu neraka dimana-mana.
Jika anda bersyukur, anda bisa bahagia dimana-mana.
Hidup adalah sebab-akibat. Tidak seorangpun bisa lari dari hukum semesta ini.
Pertahankan sikap cerah, positif, dan toleran setiap hari, maka energi positif dan keberuntungan akan mengikuti anda setiap hari!
"Sabbe Satta Bhawantu Sukhitatta"
Semoga Semua Mahluk Hidup Berbahagia🙏
Disadur dari berbagai sumber.
Rabu, 05 Agustus 2020
Ego adalah hasil bagi antara 1 : Pengetahuan
Inspirasi - Motivasi
Ego = 1 / Pengetahuan
Albert Einstain
"more the knowledge, lesser the ego. Lesser the knowledge, more the ego”. Albert Einstein
Semakin banyak pengetahuan, semakin sedikit ego. Semakin sedikit pengetahuan, semakin banyak ego.
It was Albert Einstein who said more the knowledge lesser the ego. Lesser the knowledge, more the ego. I have realised this statement through my own journey as well.
Einstein’s equations of “Ego=1/Knowledge simply means:
“More the knowledge lesser the ego, lesser the knowledge more the ego.”
Knowledge and ego are directly related. The less knowledge, the greater the ego
Egotists pretend all that they are all that, humility acknowledges all that we are not.
We all possess the same reptilian brains so none of us is free of the temptation to be egoistical. Experts, to protect their self-esteem, are more frequently tempted to protect and preen their feathers.
Other professionals such as politicians, journalists, teachers, engineers, lawyers, and physicians etc. are also more prey to egoism.
When you learn a little, you feel you know a lot, but when you learn a lot, you realise you know very little.
There is no much danger with little knowledge, maybe this explains the behavior of arrogant politicians. They think they know a lot, hence the ego, while they actually know little.
Socrates once said: ‘One thing only I know and that is I know nothing at all’
Our quest and thirst for knowledge will leave you extremely frustrated. Each new thing you learn will lead you to another new thing, and another, and so on.
The more you uncover, the more remains hidden, that needs to be sought out and exposed. It is ultimately impossible to know everything. That is what makes life so fascinating and humbling.
Learning is a life long journey as well as a spiritual path. The more you learn the more you realize how much you don’t know and as a result you humble yourself.
The true measure of a man is the degree to which he has managed to subjugate his ego.
Next time you encounter someone with a King Kong ego, remember what it means about their level of knowledge.
That arrogant politician who thinks he is the sharpest knife in the drawer, that professor who is an intellectual snob need the ego diet.
The King Kong ego can be cured by going on a ego diet.
If A is a success in life, then A equals X plus Y plus Z. [A = X + Y + Z].
X is work,
Y is play, and
Z is keeping your mouth shut.
Einstein’s equations of “Ego=1/Knowledge simply means:
“More the knowledge lesser the ego, lesser the knowledge more the ego.”
Knowledge and ego are directly related. The less knowledge, the greater the ego
Egotists pretend all that they are all that, humility acknowledges all that we are not.
We all possess the same reptilian brains so none of us is free of the temptation to be egoistical. Experts, to protect their self-esteem, are more frequently tempted to protect and preen their feathers.
Other professionals such as politicians, journalists, teachers, engineers, lawyers, and physicians etc. are also more prey to egoism.
When you learn a little, you feel you know a lot, but when you learn a lot, you realise you know very little.
There is no much danger with little knowledge, maybe this explains the behavior of arrogant politicians. They think they know a lot, hence the ego, while they actually know little.
Socrates once said: ‘One thing only I know and that is I know nothing at all’
Our quest and thirst for knowledge will leave you extremely frustrated. Each new thing you learn will lead you to another new thing, and another, and so on.
The more you uncover, the more remains hidden, that needs to be sought out and exposed. It is ultimately impossible to know everything. That is what makes life so fascinating and humbling.
Learning is a life long journey as well as a spiritual path. The more you learn the more you realize how much you don’t know and as a result you humble yourself.
The true measure of a man is the degree to which he has managed to subjugate his ego.
Next time you encounter someone with a King Kong ego, remember what it means about their level of knowledge.
That arrogant politician who thinks he is the sharpest knife in the drawer, that professor who is an intellectual snob need the ego diet.
The King Kong ego can be cured by going on a ego diet.
If A is a success in life, then A equals X plus Y plus Z. [A = X + Y + Z].
X is work,
Y is play, and
Z is keeping your mouth shut.
Disadur dari berbagai sumber.
Kekurangan Organ Tubuh Bukan Penghalang Beraktivitas
Inspirasi dan Motivasi
Tak ada manusia yg terlahir sempurna ( syair lagu D'masive) . Tak ada manusia yg tak mau hidup sempurna. Setiap insan di mukan bumi ini pasti menginginkan kesempurnaan baik akan jiwa maupun raganya atau fisiknya. Namun bagaimana kalau suatu takdir ada pada diri seseorang ? Apakah ia harus menyesal karna dilahirkan oleh Bunda dgn ketidak sempurnaan fisiknya ? Atau ia harus putus asa, lalu melakukan sesuatu yg melukai dirinyà ? Kita sebagai orang orang beriman pasti sadar akan kelemahan semua ini, yg kadang kala ada juga yg tidak bisa menerimanya. Namun setiap orang di tuntun untuk menerimanya dgn hati yg ikhlas dan lapang dada , bergembira dan berbuat sesuai kemampuan seraya mensyukuri apa yg telah diterima dari SangKuasa. Kita simak video inspirasi dibawah ini yg hanya memiliki satu tangan dan satu kaki saja tapi sangat luar biasa kemampuannya yg melebihi dari orang orang normal. ( imaging ) 👍👍😁
Mengapa Orang lansia >90 Panjang Umur ?
Inspirasi :
Prof. Kouw menemukan :
1). Ada yg tidur cepat, Ada yg tidur sesudah larut malam.
2) Ada yg makan daging, Ada yg vegetarian.
3) Ada yg minum alkohol, Ada yg tdk minum.
4) Ada yg merokok, Ada yg tdk merokok.
5) Ada yg disiplin olah raga pagi, Ada yg jarang dan ada yg tidak melakukan.
Hidup mereka ber-beda2 tapi mereka semua sehat.
Namun ada persamaan mereka :
1) Tidak berhati dengki, tidak iri hati dengan kehidupan orang lain, tidak judes, tidak cerewet.
2) Mereka jarang, dan malah tidak ada yang suka mengeluh. Mereka terima hidup mereka apa adanya.
3) Mereka punya komunitas dimana mereka dapat saling bergembira, membagi cerita, bercanda. Bahkan sama2 menari. Mereka penggembira.
4) Mereka tidak malas. Mereka melakukan aktifitas se hari2 sesuai usia mereka
Itulah hal2 yg membuat mereka berusia panjang. Jaman sekarang, kita bersyukur dapat memiliki komunitas dan berinteraksi melalui hp/wa walau saling berjauhan. Manfaatkan hal tsb hingga dapat tersenyum dan tertawa setiap hari 😃
disadur dari berbagai sumber~
Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2020
Video- Makna sebuah Kehidupan
Inspirasi :
Siapa Saja Sih Yang Bisa Sombong ?
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Inspirasi & Motivasi
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